First kill off every other enemy on the field, and then surround the flan with your people. If you ever run into a gel-type creature called a flan and need a little exp, here is a tip. Cid - Clear all 300 numbered missions.Babus - Clear "Left Behind" and enter a town to enter "With Babus" mission.Ezel - Choose "Gossip" at his shop, and then clear "Reconciliation".Shara - Clear "A Maiden's Cry" and enter a town.When trying to learn the ability “Roulette” taught by Floateyes and Ahrimans, have the Angel Ring or some other form of Auto-Life on the only way to get Blue Mage abilities is by staying awake and alive!īeat the game once and fulfill the following conditions, and the secret characters will offer to join you if you have space: This only works with some abilities and make sure that when you want to learn the abilities, you have the Blue Mage Support ability “learning” taught by the weapon Blue Saber equipped otherwise you'll just get hurt. This way, you can have the chosen monster use the ability on your Blue Mage. Have you ever had trouble with getting your Blue Mages to learn healing monster abilities, or any ability at all? Nu Mou starts out with a job called Beastmaster, which allows the user to control certain creatures. This leveling strategy also works with any non-offensive abilities such as "Defense", "Protect", "Shell", "Conceal", "Cure" and "First Aid". Kill all enemies except for a weak unit (like a White Mage) and then drink Potions until the desired level is reached. Stock up on Potions and then enter a battle. If a unit uses a Potion on itself it gains 10 experience points.
Healing abilities can be used when characters already have full health. This proves to be a great way to level up. Enemies will never get a turn until you decide not to use Smile. Then, go back and forth over and over again with this, as each turn it will net them 10 experience points.

When it comes to their turns in battle, use Smile on the other Moogle Juggler, giving it the next turn. Also, make sure they both know the move "Smile" before going into battle with them. If you're interested in getting two high level Moogles early in the game (or any time), make two of them become Jugglers of equal levels. You'll gain a random amount each time, but the higher the level of the enemy, the more you should get.

Let them gather some experience, then use your skill to steal it. As the enemy hits you, that enemy will gain experience. Stand by the enemy, letting him hit you, while the rest of your team passes their turns. Also, make sure they have the skill "Steal Exp." Thereafter, go into battle (preferably a clan battle) and leave one single enemy left on the battlefield.

Have whichever character you want to level-up change into the Thief class. Then, steal experience! Quick Thief Experience Allow an enemy to engage you and attack you, and then have the other character cast Slow or (preferably) Stop on the character. Couple your Thief in battle with a character who knows Slow or Stop. Make the character you want to level up a Thief, and make sure he or she learns the skill Steel EXP as soon as you can. Here's a really easy way to get experience.